RE (Religious Education)

The new National Curriculum 2014 requires all state schools to make provision for a daily act of collective worship and to teach Religious Education.
Capel Manor School follows the London Borough of Enfield scheme for RE.


Click HERE to find the RE Curriculum Map and see how we teach this subject.


Click on the image to find some of the resources that we use in class:

The scheme promotes respect for all through RE. The curriculum introduces Capel Manor children, who come from rich and diverse backgrounds, to the faiths, beliefs and practices of the principle religions represented in modern day Britain. It teaches respect for all, promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education at every opportunity.
At Capel Manor Primary school we have introduced an annual RE based trip for every year group. Over their time spent with us at our school, each child will have visited a Christian church, a mosque, a synagogue, a Hindu Temple, a Sikh Gudwara and a Buddhist Temple.
Click HERE to see our RE trip and Workshop overview. 
They will also have experienced RE based workshops, that are locally accessible, and celebration assemblies run by staff and visiting religious speakers. All of these are run over a 2 year cycle to support your child’s learning.
As we promote SMSC and British values further it is vital that your child takes part in all of these exciting activities. Children speak about their religious education learning with great excitement, tolerance, understanding and respect. All of our visitors sign a policy before they deliver any talks, ensuring that all of our RE learning is linked back to British values and our diverse society.

Harvest Festival - Autumn 2019

Church Christmas Celebration


Reflection Time

After every assembly, we have reflection time. This is when we are still on the inside and still on the outside. Years 2 and 6 created two beautiful pieces of art to remind us of reflection time. They are peaceful images with all of the major religious symbols represented alongside words that reflect our behaviours at Capel Manor and in our lives. 

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