Remote Education Provision (Home Learning) :       Information for Parents/Carers 


 See the Home Learning Policy for more information 

Click to find optional, past Remote Learning activities at Capel  Manor.

Arrangements for remote learning when all pupils are in school

Whilst our school is fully open, we will only be providing remote learning on Google Classrooms (Tapestry for Reception) for pupils who have been asked to self-isolate due to a positive Covid test for themselves. Children who are ill will not be expected to complete learning at home.  Please let us know if this is the case.

If your child is self-isolating whilst the rest of his/her class is in school, remote learning arrangements for children in Years 1-6 will be as follows:

  • A weekly timetable of activities will be provided.  This will reflect a normal school day as closely as possible (Approximately 5 hours a day)
  • Learning tasks and activities which will be matched as closely as possible to your year group curriculum or individual learning needs;
  • Teaching slides; 
  • Useful resources to support independent learning such as Phonics Links and wellbeing activities;
  • Teaching videos from DFE approved providers such as Oak Academy and BBC.
  • Communication with families of self-isolating pupils will be made by support staff.
  • Support staff will be checking the learning that your child returns at least twice during a 10 day period and provide feedback where appropriate.  They will liaise with the class teacher to pass on any relevant information regarding your child’s learning.

Reception pupils will be assigned daily tasks on Tapestry. 

Please bear in mind that, if your child is self isolating whilst the rest of his/her class is in school, the class teacher will not be able to provide the same level of remote teaching as they did during the restricted opening as they will be back in class full time. 


  • All messages for teachers should be sent to the office email  to be passed on. ( Teachers will then respond as soon as they can.
  • Year group emails will not be monitored whilst the rest of your child’s class are being taught in school.

Online Safety

At Capel Manor we are dedicated to ensuring that every child is electronically safe and that children are empowered to report and manage their digital activity, whether it be on a tablet, computer, phone, social network or whilst gaming. With this in mind, as your child/children will be working from home, please be vigilant when they are working online to help safeguard them from any potential dangers when using the internet. We would recommend that children use devices in rooms that have adult supervision, rather than children being tucked away in their bedrooms, out of sight of their parents/carers. Further Support can be found here.

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