
Young Inventors Competition - Summer 2023  - click the title to vote your favourite entry!

At Capel Manor, we aim to provide a high quality science education that provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.

We believe Science is successful when it:

  • is exciting, engaging, challenging and inspires a love of science in all children regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability
  • links to everyday life and is meaningful.
  • develops a conceptual understanding of physics, biology and chemistry.
  • is practical and hands on.
  • involves investigations and experiments, which leads to new questions, investigations, discoveries and even inventions.
  • develops ‘science capital’ so children aspire to STEM related careers in the future 

For more information on our Science curriculum, click HERE.    

Science at Home

If you would like some simple, fun investigations to try at home, visit these websites: 

Recycling Competition - Spring 2022 - click the title to find out more

Introducing… The Big Bang Club! 

 Miss Moodley is very excited to introduce The Big Bang Club – a science club, whose motto is ‘Up and Atom’. The aim of The Big Bang Club is to spread our love of science across the school. 

Year 5 Tell Me What You See Workshop

Year 5 were privileged to participate in two exciting new workshop sessions delivered by Imperial College London. During the workshops, children were able to speak to various scientists and ask them questions, analyse images shared with them and produce their own artwork based on those images. The scientists then judged the artwork and decided on three winners. They are: Olivia, Benjamin and Shaina. Each winner will receive a canvas of the original image and a yearly pass for the Wonderlab at the Science Museum and every child that participated  will receive a mask.  The school will also receive a canvas of the winning entries. We are very proud of all the children.

 Year 5 Space Projects

Year 5 Space Talk - 2019

On Thursday 10th October 2019, Year 5 had a special visitor, called Cameron, who talked to us about Space. He taught us Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants and Venus has a moon called Titan. I found the fact that the all the different planets in our galaxy (called The Milky Way) are spaced very far from each other the most interesting. He also told that that the sun (which is 15 million degrees Celsius) would explode! Thankfully it’s not going to happen for millions of years. I really enjoyed the talk and we learned a lot about space.

Preston, Year 5 Larch

Year 4 Rollercoasters Workshop - 2019

On Thursday 14th February 2019, Year 4 were very lucky to take part in an engineering workshop led by University College London. We had great fun designing a roller coaster using a variety of recycled materials. To be successful we had to use our creativity to design the rollercoaster, ambition to make sure it was the best in the class, resilience when things went wrong and teamwork to help us solve any problems. We learnt a lot during this and didn’t even realise all the maths we were using. I loved this workshop and think we need to do more of this in school.

Alicia, Year 4

The Art of Engineering Fair - 2018

After weeks of researching, designing, building, adjusting and evaluating their inventions to help the children of Waverley School, Year 4 showcased them during The Art of Engineering Fair on Friday 28th June 2018. The children were very excited to explain all about the design and technology, maths and science skills they used to their parents, other children at school, teachers and governors. The Year 4 staff and Miss Moodley are extremely proud of the resilience, ambition, creativity and teamwork they all showed; it was amazing to see the Capel Values in action.

The Mysterious Case of the Elephant that Forgot … - 2018

Years 3 and 4 were fortunate to be able to participate in an engineering workshop on Thursday 27th June 2018. First, we were introduced to Frankie the Flamingo, who four mysteries to solve and we had to help her. To solve the mysteries, we had to give Frankie ideas on how to break down a beaver dam, help the elephant cross a bridge, etc. At first, Frankie found it difficult but with resilience she managed to do it. Then, we made rocket balloons and had to show our own resilience because some of ours did not work at first. We really enjoyed ourselves and learnt a lot about what engineers do. The best part was that we received a free copy of the book and a pencil.

Jayda-Rae & Dylan, Year 4

Year 4 Robotics Workshop - 2018

On Tuesday 4th June 2018, Year Four attended a Robotics workshop at Worcesters Primary School, where we learned how to build and control a robot. First, we were put into groups of four and given a set of instructions to follow to build our robot (it was a vehicle). Then, we connected the control panel to the screen and switched it on. After that, we used the controller (like the ones you find on remote controlled cars). We had to show a lot of resilience, ambition and teamwork to get it working. It was a race to see which team could get their robot working first. Finally, we got to play with them on our tables. It would have been even better if we had got to race them against each other but we ran out of time. The workshop was so much fun! I wish we could do it again.

Abbie, Year 4

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